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9 Practical Tips For Empowering Parents in the Workplace

9 Practical Tips For Empowering Parents in the Workplace

Supporting parents in the workplace is an important issue that affects not only the individuals involved but also the success and diversity of our organizations. Statistics show that up to 43% of women leave the workplace after becoming parents. In order to address the challenge of retaining highly-skilled employees after they become parents, let’s explore practical and creative ways to support parents in the workplace.

1. Be flexible.

Flexibility in the workplace is key for parents, especially women, who often bear the brunt of childcare responsibilities. When implementing parent-centric policies, think bigger than simply switching over to a hybrid work schedule. Consider offering options like compressed workweeks, job sharing, remote work, and hybrid opportunities. Reports have indicated that 70% of women who left the workforce would have stayedhad they been offered more flexibility. By embracing various forms of flexibility, you can empower parents to better manage their personal and professional responsibilities while still delivering outstanding results.

2. Offer parental leave for parents of all genders, not just women.

One of the most powerful things companies can do to combat the 43% statistic is to offer paid family leave to parents of all genders. Studies show that partner leave increases mental health and well-being for the entire family and helps to close the genderwage gap. Studies also show that when partner leave is offered, household and childcare responsibilities are more evenly distributed, allowing women to return to the workforce.

3. Create a nurturing environment.

A PoppinPod Kolo 2 can be converted to a lactation room with the addition of a locking handle, privacy screen, and comfortable seating.

Creating a private lactation room is more than just a considerate gesture—it's a symbol of your commitment to supporting parents. Ensure this space is comfortable, well-equipped, and conveniently located, providing a safe and inclusive environment for nursing parents. Our single-person office pods allow you to create a dedicated lactation room in a snap without the cost or hassle of construction. By doing so, you’ll send a clear message that your company prioritizes the well-being of parents in the workplace.

4. Offer a comprehensive benefits package.

As parents navigate the exciting and sometimes overwhelming journey of raising a child, a robust benefits package can be a game-changer. Think beyond the basics—offer extended parental leave, assistance programs for childcare, and support for adoption or surrogacy. Providing family-friendly benefits boosts company culture while enabling you to create the kind of inclusive and diverse workplace that’s critical to attracting and retaining the best talent.

5. Engage with empathy.

Parent-specific Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are a powerful tool for building a supportive community within the workplace. By bringing together parents and providing a platform for open dialogue, shared experiences, and mentorship opportunities, you will foster an environment of understanding and empathy. Empower parents to embrace their professional journey while nurturing their families and allow them to bring their whole selves to work.

6. Provide mentorship and career development opportunities.

Implement mentorship programs that pair parents with experienced professionals who can provide guidance and support. Also, ensure career development opportunities are available to parents, allowing them to continuously grow and advance their careers while balancing their parental responsibilities. When you invest in their professional growth, parents can confidently take on new challenges and contribute even more to your organization.

7. Be transparent in your communication and policies.

Clear and transparent communication is vital in creating an inclusive workplace for parents. Establishing well-defined policies regarding parental leave, childcare support, and flexible work arrangements is essential. Make these policies readily accessible and promote open communication channels so that parents feel confident in navigating their work-life integration.

8. Create child-friendly workspaces and host family-friendly events.

Consider designing workspaces that accommodate children, such as dedicated play areas. Organize family-friendly events where parents can connect with their colleagues and foster a sense of belonging. By creating an inclusive space for both work and family, you’ll foster an environment where parents can bring their whole selves to work.

9. Provide onsite childcare.

Providing onsite childcare is an excellent way to set yourself apart from other employers as a champion of parents and families. And you’re not just doing your employees a favor, federal data shows that on-site childcare decreases employee absences and job turnover, setting your workplace up for success.

Empowering parents, particularly highly-skilled women, in the workplace is not just a compassionate gesture—it's an investment in the success and diversity of your organization. By implementing these practical tips, you take a significant step towards breaking the statistics that indicate the departure of skilled women from the workforce after becoming parents.

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