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9 Perks Top Companies Are Using to Attract and Retain the Best Talent

9 Perks Top Companies Are Using to Attract and Retain the Best Talent

These days the job market is super competitive. Not just for job seekers but for employers as well. Many employers are offering new kinds of perks to retain the best talent. Here are some examples of non-traditional perks companies can use to attract the best of the best.

1. Flexible work schedules

Offering a flexible work program is a proven way to increase employee satisfaction while making your company more appealing to job-seekers. A recent study from Accenture found that 86% of employees preferred a hybrid model over fully in-person work. Rey Ramirez, cofounder of Thrive HR Consulting, told CNBC that “Right now, if you’re not offering flexible or remote program, you’re missing out on 50% to 70% of candidates.” That’s a lot of candidates you could potentially be missing out on because your office is not set up to support hybrid work. Visit to learn more about how we can help bring your office into the 21st century.

2. Experiential rewards

If you’re looking for a way to provide rewards that have a bit more measurable impact than a gift card, experiential rewards could be a great option. Rewards programs like Blueboard let you gift your employees things like cooking classes, wine-tasting experiences, and vacations. Because it’s pretty hard to be unsatisfied with your job when they just sent you scuba diving in Mexico.

3. Free lunch programs

What’s better than free food? After years of working from home, getting back into the swing of paying for lunch almost every day can be an unpleasant wake-up call for people’s wallets. Catered lunches are a great way to provide your employees with a measurable benefit and are appealing to job candidates.

4. Learning stipends

A learning stipend is a sum of money granted to employees for them to spend on educational initiatives like skill classes and certificate programs. Learning stipends provide a mutual benefit, allowing employees to develop new skills to better serve the business. It’s a win-win!

5. Gym memberships and discounts

Offering free or discounted gym memberships is a great way to show current and potential employees that you are invested in their health and well-being. Exercise routines improve mental and physical health, reduce healthcare costs, and increase productivity, all of which help your employees do their jobs to the very best of their ability.

6. Flexible or unlimited paid time off

If you’re looking to attract the best talent, offering flexible or unlimited PTO is a great option. Top companies like Google offer up to thirty days of paid vacation. Simply put, top performers should be self-motivated enough to perform their responsibilities effectively and take time for themselves. Offering generous time off— and encouraging employees to take it— tells candidates that you trust them to do their job without micromanaging.

7. Paid family leave

It’s a well-known fact that the US is the only high-income country that does not subsidize any kind of paid family leave, and so the responsibility falls to employers. Providing paid family leave for both caretakers is essential to attracting and retaining cream-of-crop talent, especially women. Plus, generous family leave policies have been shown to improve mental and physical health as well as employee satisfaction and retention.


8. Childcare benefits

Ask almost any parent what their biggest expense is and they will tell you: childcare. In the US, over half of parents spend more than 20% of their income on childcare. As an employer, providing free or subsidized childcare is a huge draw for potential candidates. Lori Mihalich-Levin, founder of Mindful Return, a program that helps both employees and employers navigate parental leave, is quoted as saying, “…Another important benefit is caregiving assistance… the gold standard—the ideal—is employee-sponsored child care.”

9. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives

A commitment to DEI goes beyond improving company culture and ensuring equal opportunities; it can also make you look more appealing to highly-skilled candidates and increase retention. 54% of workers won’t even consider a position at a company they don’t believe shares their values. Consider making a commitment to DEI evident in your office space planning as well. Our ADA Compliant PoppinPod Kolo 2 meeting booth is fully accessible, while our adjustable height desks can be elevated to accommodate wheelchair users. Just one way to make sure everyone feels comfortable in your office!

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