Reopening Poppin HQ
As Poppin grew closer to reopening our NYC headquarters post-COVID, we knew we had to reconfigure our own office. Luckily, we had our team of expert space planners, furniture and accessory designers, and culture gurus to guide us every step of the way.
Our Rapid Reconfiguration services, which include free space planning, reconfiguration of existing furniture, additional social distancing solutions like acrylic shields and directional decals, installation, and removal and storage of furniture, were put to use in our own office.
We recorded every step of the process so you can follow along, from space planning for post-COVID offices to the installation of our new social distancing solutions.
First, we consulted Jeff Miller, our VP of Design, to see what furniture solutions were necessary for a safe and confident return to the office.
Once we identified our furniture needs, we turned to our HR Director to learn about the HR considerations involved in bringing our team back to the workspace.
Matteo and Emily, our expert space planners, got to work reconfiguring our existing office floor plan to for 6’ of space between employees.
Finally, our trusted installers arrived to rearrange our existing furniture, add privacy panels and our Protective Acrylic Panels, and install social distancing decals. Our remaining furniture was packed up and stored for future growth.
We're not ready to go back to the office yet, but when we do, our team will be able to make a safe and confident return. Want to see how we can help your office with our Rapid Reconfiguration Services? Our team is here to take the guesswork out of returning to your workspace with CDC-recommended solutions for social distancing, FREE space planning, and help reconfiguring your existing workspace for your post-COVID return to work.